Currently within Japan, we are the only fingerprinting agency that offers both background check and fingerprinting services. Compared to applying with the FBI directly, we offer a more efficient service.
For American citizens or permanent residency status/Green Card holders that are applying with the FBI directly for a background check in USA, the results will be available in about 3 to 5 business days. However, by applying with us, we will issue the background check within a few hours. For non-American citizens, it will take about 15 business days to receive the certificate. In both cases, you will not be required to mail in the original fingerprint form to the FBI. We will process your fingerprints digitally for a secure and sure submission.
The results will be accessible electronically via email. This allows an easy access from any of your devices, anytime.
- Digital fingerprinting
- FBI Processing Fees
- FBI Submission Fees
- FBI Background Check Certificate