Digital Live Scan Fingerprinting is currently the most advanced fingerprinting technology.
Digital fingerprinting allows us to scan your fingerprints and have them printed out onto a fingerprint form. Compared to the regular ink and roll fingerprinting, there are less visibility issues such as an ink smudge. For any background checks, there is a standard quality threshold that the fingerprints must surpass to be processed for a background check.
From experience, most fingerprints that were taken electronically have met its standard. Digital Live Scan Fingerprinting is the most precise fingerprinting method available.
At Fingerprint Room Japan, we offer digital fingerprinting on both Canadian RCMP C216 form and FBI FD258 form, processed with RCMP and FBI approved printer. The American fingerprinting form is recognized worldwide and is applicable for other countries. The fingerprint form from us will include our embossment.
Please bring a passport and additional government issued ID to the appointment.
Includes: 2x Digital Fingerprint Print Out on either RCMP or FBI fingerprint form